A co-creation space for the sharing ecosystem at Smart City Expo World Congress. During the 13th, 14th & 15th, in the Agora is held a programme with debates, presentations and networking activities. More than 40 city government groups and around 80 actors (from business to research) are part of the sharing economy ecosystem.
All the sessions are documented collaboratively, please follow the link www.teixidora.net/wiki/SHAREBCN2018
Content avaliable
Scroll down to download the presentations used by the speakers and other materials, watch the recorded presentations and don’t miss to check out the gallery in Summit in pictures.
Agora Programme
9:30 11:00 | Blockchain meetup | Ferran Reyes (Caelum Labs), Samer Hassan (P2P Models), Marc Rocas (Dimmons-UOC), Jon Hearty (Origin Protocol), Manuel Ruiz (Bitnation), Rafael Calcada (Plurall) | The purpose of this meeting is to highlight projects that bse blockchain solutions as a basis for collaborative economy without intermediaries, with sovereign digital identity, ethical management of privacy and better governance. We will discuss how these initiatives can affect cities and people’s day-to-day life.
11:00 12:00 | My boss is an algorithm: The employment relationships at the sharing economy | Adrián Todolí (Universidad de Valencia), Pia Mazuela (Cultural labor expert, SMartIB founder), Carlos del Barrio (CCOO), Natxo Parra (Col·lectiu Ronda) & Oriol Alfambra (Mensakas)
The Digital era has considerably transformed industrial relationships causing an incredible level of labour precariousness and legal uncertainty. A new type of companies based on “on-demand economy” or “sharing-economy”,directly connecting customers to individual service providers, are emerging. These companies’ entire core business is run by workers classified as self-employed without any legal labour rights. In this context, employment is facing a great challenge. It has to deal with a completely different reality compared to the existing one.This panel will analyse the labour conditions of these workers and the legal challenges to protect the new business model and the its workers. |
12:00 14:00 | Mapping the citizen innovation* | Miguel Jaenicke (Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas)
This session will be focused on mapping civic innovation. CIVICs is an open, free and interactive digital cartography with open source and free software. It allows to visualize, download, incorporate and share citizen initiatives globally based on common and comparable criteria. During this session, the participants will map new initiatives. The current map will be enhanced with about 5000 spots from more than 30 cities around the world.
* This session will be held in Spanish. * This activity requires inscription (limited places) |
14:00 14:30 | Citizen laboratory for social and digital innovation* | Javier González & Roser Santamaria (Citilab)
Citilab is a citizen laboratory for social and digital innovation located in Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona, which explores and disseminates the digital impact on creative thinking, design and innovation that arises from digital culture. Citilab is knowledge, communities, ideas and projects of social & digital innovation.
* This session will be held in Spanish.
15:15 |
Social currency and its impact in the sharing economy | Susana Martín Belmonte (REC) & Enrico Stano (Katuma – Open Food Network) | This session will be focused on the impact of social currency (in its different aspects) on sharing economy (for example, in the food consumption).
15:30 16:00 |
Origin protocol: Decentralized marketplaces on the blockchain
Jon Hearty (Origin Protocol) | Origin is a protocol for creating peer-to-peer marketplaces using the Ethereum blockchain and IPFS.
16:30 |
Sharing Cities Summit Report & Democratic qualities of platform economy: A dialogue between Yochai Benkler & Bart Grugeon | Yochai Benkler (Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society – Harvard University) & Bart Grugeon (Journalist) | The session is a conversation about an open source economy. How does online collaboration affect the economy? Can the collaborative business models of Wikipedia and Linux be implemented in other areas? What is the difference between genuine collaboration and online market interactions? What can cities do to stimulate collaboration?![]() |
17:30 |
City sovereignty: insights from Inside Airbnb for new urban policies (the case of San Francisco) | Murray Cox (Inside AirBnB) & Peter Byrne (San Francisco Office of short-term rentals) | This session will be a dialogue between Murray Cox and Peter Bryne about using data and policy-making around platform responsibilities, and the impact of home sharing platforms in the urban context. Murray is the data activist founder of Inside Airbnb, a mission driven project which provides data on Airbnb’s impact on residential communities, and advocates for regulations that protect our neighborhoods. Bryne is the Senior Analyst of the Office of Short Term Rentals of San Francisco City Council. |
17:30 18:30 | Mobility in the sharing city | Judit Batayé (Ouishare, Six-Ter), Raquel Priego (Drivy), Lukas Reichel (Som Mobilitat), Dardan Isufi (Eva.coop), Philip Näslund (Municipality of Umeå) & Oriol Marimon (Ecooltra Motosharing) | This session will focus in different options of sharing cities mobility. |
9:30 10:30 | Data & participation | Beth Coleman (University of Waterloo), Enric Senabre (Dimmons – UOC), Mattia Marini (Sharing Cities Alliance) & Arnau Monterde (IN3 – UOC) | During this session participants will present projects focused on data collection, open knowledge, and participatory processes: Beth Coleman (City as a platform), Enric Senabre (Sharing Data Commons), Mattia Marini (Sharing Cities Alliance online database), Arnau Monterde (Decidim).
10:30 12:30 | Governance, regulation & economic sustainability of data commons | Antonio Calleja (CNSC – UOC) & Enric Senabre (Dimmons – UOC) | This working open session will focus on governance, regulation and economic sustainability of data commons. The discussion will be based on the Digital Democracy and Data Commons (DDDC) pilot of DECODE project.
12:30 13:30 |
Current agenda of Commons and Social & Solidarity Economy initiatives | Nicole Alix (La Coop des Communs), Guillaume Compain (Co-Communs), Martin Van den Borre (C.I.T.I.E.S), Mohammed El Youssofi (XES), Iris Aviñoa & Fernando Panigua (World Social Forum Barcelona 2019-2020) | This session will be a meeting point of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Procomun projects & organizations ecosystem.
13:30 14:30 | Home-sharing models and their impact | Julie Wilson (Noutur – UOC), Sito Veracruz (FairBnB), Murray Cox (Inside Airbnb), Emmanuel Mounier (ETTSA), Peter Byrne (San Francisco Office of short-term rentals), Kenneth Haar (Corporate Europe Observatory) & Alexandra Origet du Cluzeau (Homeexchange – Guest to ghest) | This session will focus on the different types of models of home-sharing platforms and their impact on the city. The objective of this meeting is to identify the challenges and the opportunities created by home-sharing for the cities and to highlight good practices. At the same time, the participants will reflect on possible actions that can taken in order to handle this issue.
14:30 14:45 | Collaborative live-writing | Mònica Garriga (La Teixidora) | Mapping events and sharing collaborative collaborative live-writing to weave complicities, give context and value to the discourse. The case of Teixidora.net.
14:45 15:00 |
Sharing Cities: A worldwide cities overview on platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona | Mayo Fuster, Vera Vidal, Enric Senabre, Ricard Espelt i Guido Smorto (Dimmons – UOC) & David Gómez (FemProcomuns) | This session is focus on the presentation of the book “Sharing Cities: A worldwide cities overview on platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona” and the research associated. |
15:00 17:00 |
Research meetup | This session will be facilitated by DIMMONS – UOC team. Confirmed participants: Dafni Mangalousi (University of Leicester), Juliana Subtil Lacerda (Utrecht University: Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development), Yair Friedman (Tel Aviv University), Valentina Bazzarin and Federico Piovesan (Openpolis), Nuria Reguero (UAB), Sara Mahmoud (The Open Data Institute), Lucie Zvolska (IIIEE, Lund University – Urban Sharing) and Julia Wolny (University of Southampton) | This session will be a meeting point for research projects. Based on participants’ roadmaps, it will be divided in two parts: project presentations (lightning talks) followed by a sharing research interests and approaches talk. |
17:45 |
GeoCityZens: A dialogue* between Sara Berbel & Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí |
Sara Berbel (Barcelona Activa) & Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí (Ideograma) |
In a moment of great political standing in the global sphere, the city has emerged as the ideal environment for the deepening of democracy. The use o technology as a vehicle is essential for political initiatives based on citizen’s involvement and participatory decision-making to succeed. In this session, we want to dive into all issues following the thread of the new book of Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí ‘GeoCitiZens. Nuevas Cartografías Urbanas’. * This session will be held in Spanish. ![]() |
17:45 18:30 | Digital platforms and gender perspective | Thais Ruiz (Dimmons UOC), Marta Delatte (LiquenDataLab), Ester Bonet (Viquidones – Wikimujeres), Jessica Sena (Geochicas), Lidia Arroyo (GenTic UOC) & Virginia Díez (Wikimedia/Wikipedia) | This session will be focused on a gender oriented open discussion where different actors of the digital platform ecosystem will present examples and projects with a gender perspective. Gender bias in platforms such as Wikipedia, Data analytics and Dataviz will help to understand how necessary discussing this topic is.
10:30 |
Collective Intelligence for Civic Commons | Domenico Di Siena (Civic Design Method) | In this workshop we are going to discover how the Civic Design Method can guide us in the activation of Collective Intelligence processes that generate value for local communities and the Territory. The workshop allows us to discover practical tools for analyzing and activating local actors in collaborative processes where the economic and social issues are integrated to generate positive impact, putting people and the Territory at the center. We will work to define a new Civic Realm where collaboration and synergy between actors operating from different contexts and spheres can be facilitated.
10:30 11:30 | Alternative finances in the sharing economy | Mauricio O’Brien and Manuela Frudá (Goteo) & Domenico Di Siena (Civic Design Method) | In this session we will explore bottom-up initiatives of the sharing economy in Barcelona and their journey to finance and consolidate their projects.
11:30 12:30 | Sharing Economy and Social and Solidarity Economy local policies* | Lluís Juncà (Generalitat de Catalunya), Oriol Estela (Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona), Álvaro Porro (Barcelona City Council) & Mayo Fuster (Dimmons-UOC) | This session will be a meeting point of organizations that promote Sharing Economy and Social and Solidarity Economy policies in Catalonia. The goal of the meeting is to identify challenges and opportunities of Sharing Economy and ESS and to promote collaborations among them. * This session will be held in Spanish. ![]() |
12:30 13:30 | Sharing Cities: A commons approach to meeting the UN SDGs | Tom Llewellyn (Shareable), Mauricio O’Brien (Goteo) | This interactive ‘world cafe’ style discussion will begin with a presentation of case studies, model policies and principles from Shareable’s new book “Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons,” before exploring existing city policies and replicable case studies that demonstrate how local communities, organizations and governments can meet their SDG goals through a commons based approach through a series of participatory conversations. |
13:30 14:00 | Social innovation in cities for the climate | Jesus Iglesias (Ecopreneurs for the Climate) | Social innovation and entrepreneurship, within collaborative networks of cities, can substantially contribute to addressing key socio-environmental challenges, like climate change and inequalities, by transforming the economy and driving important cultural shifts. To mainstream them, the following levers are very effective: enabling regulatory frameworks, innovation labs, multi-stakeholder ecosystems, peer-to-peer networks of social enterprises, and city-to-city cooperation schemes. On top of it all, the climate crisis provides immense opportunities for social entrepreneurship towards a post carbon and inclusive economy because, as stated in the IPCC SR15 report, limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society” and entails “clear benefits to people and natural ecosystems”.
14:00 – 15:00 | Labor and consumption public policies guidelines | Pau Roldán and Álvaro Porro (Barcelona City Council), Mariló Gramunt & Rosa Barcelo (University of Barcelona) & José Antonio Pasadas (UGT) | During this session, there will be a presentation of the policies carried out by The Barcelona City Council in the area of labor and consumption and their development.
15:00 – 15:45 | Free tech meetup | Wouter Tebbens (FKI, femProcomuns, CommonsCloud), Oscar Ortega (Cat PL), Josep Lluís Amador and Oriol Diez (LliureTIC, femProcomuns, CommonsCloud), Ricard Espelt and Thais Ruiz (Dimmons – UOC), Maddish (Maddix/xNet), Muriel Rovira (Pirata, SobTec), Aleix Pol (KDE) & Núria Reguero (IGOP) | This session will be a meeting point of organizations involved in the development of open tech, with the goal to identify challenges and opportunities of open technology. At the same time, the participants will reflect on possible action that can taken in order to tackle this issue. |
15:45 16:30 | La Comunificadora: Building a Commons and Solidarity oriented Collaborative Economy* | Ernest Pons (Barcelona City Council), David Gómez (FemProcomuns), Josep Lluís Amador & Oriol Diez (LliureTIC) | This session will highlight citizen-government co-led initiatives such as La Comunificadora, to promote a change towards collaborative economy that is based on common production, the distribution of the generated value and an open governance. * This session will be held in Spanish. ![]()
16:30 17:30 | Ateneus de Fabricació* | David Mesa (Cárceles de invención: hacia una arquitectura), Beatriz Guedán (Arquitectura tèxtil), Mauricio Córdova, Lonne Van der Sterren, Germán Delorme (Fer). | This session will be a exhibition of the projects carried out in Ateneus de Fabricació (Fab Labs) of Barcelona. The Fab Labs network is a public service that explains technology and science of digital fabrication to the citizens. It helps people to learn, work and collaborate in order to turn ideas into reality while transforming their environment and contributing to social development. * This session will be held in Spanish. ![]()
18:30 |
The Performativity of Sharing* | Grace Turtle (Holon) | What does sharing mean to you? What does sharing mean to us as communities? What does sharing mean for the future of our cities? For the Sharing Cities Summit, we will facilitate a workshop on the making of sharing cities. As the boundaries and modes of sharing continue to evolve in our mutually dependent virtual and physical worlds, we must reflect on what sharing means for us as individuals and as communities before imagining the potentialities for sharing cities and economies. The workshop, designed for city-influencers, will engage participants through a series of performative design games to unveil ‘plural’ imaginaries for sharing cities to help city-influencers orientate actions towards sharing city-making. * This session will be held in English & Spanish. |